We are helping ensure that train accidents are at an all-time low with railroad company investments, education, safety-enhancing technologies, and training.
Who We Are
Mission Statement
The Ohio Railroad Association (ORA) shall strive to provide a unified voice for the freight rail industry at all levels of state government in legislative, administrative and legal matters, and to keep the ORA membership informed of all relevant state governmental actions. In addition, the ORA shall serve as a resource for those who have an interest in public safety as it relates to the freight rail industry.
About The Ohio Railroad Association
The Ohio Railroad Association (ORA) is a non-profit trade association that for more than 80 years has represented the interests of freight railroads operating in Ohio. ORA members range in size from large Class 1 interstate carriers to smaller regional and short line railroads.
What We Do
As bills and resolutions are introduced in the Ohio General Assembly, The Ohio Railroad Association (ORA) reviews them for effects on the interests and operations of Ohio railroads. Legislation that could impact the state’s freight rail industry is shared with ORA members. Final industry positions on such legislation are then communicated to the legislature and other interested parties, public and private. We follow the same path with appropriate Administration personnel as state agencies consider actions that could affect railroad operations, property, employees, and safety.
How To Join ORA
ORA membership is open to any freight railroad with Ohio operations. Please contact the ORA office for membership information.
Please click here to download the ORA Associate Membership Form. Return a completed form to: ora@ohiorailroadassociation.com or to our mailing address.
Freight rail is one of the most fuel efficient modes of freight transportation, four times more efficient than trucks. Freight trains move one ton of freight an average of 476 miles on a single gallon of fuel.
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