Biden Promise Fueled FRA NPRM

August 02, 2022 | Regulatory

Biden Promise Fueled FRA NPRM

Written by Frank N. Wilner, Capitol Hill Contributing Editor | Image copyrighted by Regulatory

It is said of nudists that “most shouldn’t”—a conspicuous example being the naked politics of the Biden Administration in advancing a mandate—based on a political promise rather than credible safety data and understanding of how technology affects the nature of work—that train crews consist of one conductor and one engineer positioned in the locomotive cab.

Biden, boasting of being “the most pro-union President” of all time, made the promise while trolling for votes in mid-2020. In a pre-election, customized video message that mentioned by name the leadership of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART), Biden promised its 36,000 railroad conductor members, “It’s about time our government fought for you … I’m going to keep fighting … requiring two-person crews on freight trains.” The implication: “If you vote for me, I’ll do this for you.”